Visual Software
Visual Lighting 2.11.0164 (01/13/25)
  1. Bug 992394 Re-Aim luminaires causes program crash
Visual Lighting 2.11.0163 (11/27/24)
  1. Bug 375217 Calculation button tweak
  2. Bug 396175 Sketchup file not importing and giving Revit error
  3. Bug 457375 Skylight data file with period in filename copies to calc directory improperly
  4. Bug 443788 Architectural units change to Decimal when adding a fixture
  5. Bug 443819 Undo doesn't undo masking a point
  6. Bug 456353 Bug on statistics tab when changing calculation type
  7. Bug 479286 Visual crashes during startup in DockPanel_Attach
  8. Bug 476390 BG Images exporting to layer 0
  9. PBI 495313 Update 2.11 to Interop 2.12
  10. PBI 504497 VL: Feature Request button
  11. PBI 504986 Change HTTP urls to HTTPS
  12. Bug 506194 VL: ACAD files set to US Survey Feet are detected as being parsec and won't import
  13. PBI 509148 Edit Vertex Command in 2.11
  14. Bug 510022 Edit Command - Mouse doesn't go back after editing plane
  15. PBI 510032 Solid Height Command in 2.11
  16. PBI 532967 Update Command Status Message 2.11
  17. PBI 533125 Update Settings to fix the Intel dark screen problem 2.11
  18. PBI 548910 VL 2.11: Turn off survey
  19. Bug 620537 Stretch command issues
  20. Bug 628320 Can't easily change calc size and points too small in exported CAD
  21. PBI 667726 Update all components to .NET Framework48 for VL 2.11
  22. Bug 340595 "error encountered when consolidating rendering - rendering data has not been saved" when saving attached file
  23. Bug 442658 Controls products in VL coming in huge dimensions when selected from cloud
  24. Bug 709765 Render causing error
  25. Bug 722442 Export CAD error when there is a UGR Zone with diamond, point, or square Calc Point
  26. PBI 872930 Update all instances of Visual Lighting to make use of the new Visual Lighting icon
  27. Bug 936064 Random luminaire selects instead of the correct entity
  28. PBI 951025 Update setup with new icons
  29. Bug 951929 Main window close button does not close the application
  30. PBI 951932 Update 2.11 Start Screen with new icon and graphics
  31. Bug 436875 Statistics not sorting correctly in PE
  32. Bug 445575 Columns menu does not sync to selected table
  33. Bug 460739 Middle clicking on schedule in PE moves the column instead of pan
  34. Bug 486668 PE resize/move on dual monitors
  35. PBI 495370 Update 2.11 PE to reference LT_Interop 2.12
  36. PBI 495366 Update 2.11 PE with RealDWG update
  37. Bug 593588 Crop function in PE not showing calc zones
  38. Bug 661594 Difference in line thickness
  39. Bug 744081 Print Editor Text Line Thickness
  40. Bug 755558 Print Editor Background Line Thickness
  41. Bug 886402 PDF Reader Regression 2.11.0147 vs 2.11.0094
  42. Bug 914468 Thick line scaling bug in Print Editor
  43. PBI 374256 IronPDF migration in shared libraries
  44. PBI 454376 Add Rotate button to PDF previewer
  45. PBI 589743 VL: Replace SQL 4 Component with SQLLite
  46. PBI 661942 Lighting Level (Illuminance Selection) .NET Framework 3.5 upgrade
  47. Bug 715876 UGR Visual Photometric Tool error
  48. Bug 273310 FIPS Compliant Encryption
  49. Bug 886402 PDF Reader Regression 2.11.0147 vs 2.11.0094
  50. Bug 937757 VL: Rebrand website and app images
  51. Bug 940302 Power BI data not populating for Visual Lighting since server migration
  52. Bug 503288 VL: Fix Startup News & Products Feed
  53. Bug 916911 VL: IES upload to photometric tool
  54. Bug 591939 IES files with degree symbol do not display correctly
  55. Bug 913557 VL: Illuminance Selection Dialog not running on HTTPS
  56. Bug 625487 File not exploding properly
  57. Bug 712902 CAD Import: Resolve Block Attribute nested inside another block
  58. Bug 886068 RealDWG import crash
  59. Bug 901185 RealDWG blockreference missing cad entity due to Clipping

Visual Lighting 2.11.0094 (May 17, 2022)
  1. Bug 350650 Interface issues
  2. Bug 365152 Altering titleblock width doesn't stick
  3. PBI 374298 Recode VL browser to use updated Webview2 libraries
  4. PBI 365081 Product Configurator Update and support Series ID
  5. PBI 307889 PE schedules not updating to reflect schedule ordering in design environment
  6. Bug 351561 Shapemesh light leak
  7. Bug 296364 Print editor is crashing when file is read on TV Calc grids
  8. PBI 313782 Update Interior and Roadway tool external web browser
  9. Bug 315763 Installing 2.12.0027 build causes 2.11.0085 to error out when opening
  10. Bug 317982 PE Export not to proper scale
  11. PBI 318174 Add WebView2 components to setup
  12. Bug 319433 Error is generated when clicking on Copy and Locate command on short cut menu in print editor
  13. PBI 320053 Update InteropFileDialog in setup
  14. PBI 320671 Update install with .NET 4.8
  15. PBI 320805 File menu stays on top when opening up another program
  16. Bug 320998 Text not displayed on single line when printing to pdf in PE
  17. Bug 290235 Error when using mirror command

  18. Bug 302421 User unable to import images/PDFs or view existing files with image/pdf backgrounds
  19. Bug 303000 Drawing is off-center in PE
  20. PBI 303053 Add Power Density command back to Home tab in print editor
  21. Bug 303516 Error is generated when exporting a file as type .bmp
  22. Bug 304127 Error message is generated when PE is loading and selecting something on the toolbar at the same time
  23. PBI 306358 Add support for SQL 4.0
  24. Bug 307687 Contours ignoring mask in PE
  25. Bug 308937 Stretch command does not always work
  26. Bug 309024 Render not showing proper color
  27. Bug 309983 Shading selection doesn't stick when color pallet is changed in properties
  28. Bug 310292 ShapeMesh runs out of virtual memory
  29. PBI 312058 Revert CloudClient
  30. PBI 312631 Upversion CloudClient
  31. PBI 313035 Update LT_InteropFileDialog211.dll to v.1.2
  32. PBI 306828 Update setup with SQL 4.0 redistributable
  33. PBI 305718 SQL 3.5 CE command line flag in install
Visual Lighting 2.11.0062 (June 16, 2021)
1. Bug 297348 - Copy layers and entities does not copy entities when selecting a group
2. Bug 299370 - Low memory message when rendering file
3. Bug 299371 - Product editor causes program to freeze
4. Bug 301288 - Print editor schedule shows absolute lumens instead of a value
5. Bug 301507 - Power density statistics column header review
6. Bug 302442 - Lamp column showing up with yellow fill by default
7. PBI 302935 - Update power density schedule templates in installers
8. PBI 302974 - Build 2.11.0062
Visual Lighting 2.11.0061 (May 12, 2021)
1. Bug 296894 - UGR calc incorrect with luminaires outside room
2. Bug 297570 - LLF column in PE showing lumen value
3. Bug 297571 - Some items cannot be loaded error in PE
4. Bug 297783 - Renderer error
5. Bug 297873 - Issue with schedule in template
6. Bug 298664 - Wattage is blank in Print editor schedule
7. PBI 297674 - Refactor PE Interop schedule colums
8. Bug 299370 - Low memory message when rendering file
9. PBI 300412 - 2.11.0061 Build
Visual Lighting 2.11.0060 (April 28, 2021)
1. Bug 297142 - Setup failing due to Microsoft changes
2. Bug 297711 - High UGR results
3. PBI - 296878 - Rebuild without NetFx20
Visual Lighting 2.11.0055 (March 31, 2021)
1. Bug 294090 - Confirm numbers are good in attached Visual file
2. Bug 294426 - Exit Code 157 with AMD machine
3. Bug 294581 - Exit Code 157 in Shapemesh
4. PBI 294667 - 2.11.0055 Build
Visual Lighting 2.11.0054 (March 25, 2021)
1. Bug 292065 - Photometric Mesher not always discretizing around a sun patch
2. Bug 292215 - Surface schedule missing from toolbar in PE
3. Bug 292252 - The name of an inserted view in the PE displays file name and not the saved view name
4. Bug 292282 - File crashes when calculated on AMD machine
5. Bug 293214 - Exit Code 157 in Renderer
6. PBI 293923 - 2.11.0054 Build
7. PBI 293994 - Remove saved view thumbnail and gallery code
Visual Lighting 2.11.0053 (March 9, 2021)
1. PBI 286167 - Luminaire label MH in Arch units
2. Bug 287626 - Stats in PE shouldn't show certain values for UGR grids
3. Bug 290775 - Print Editor crashes when opening
4. Bug 291301 - Exit Code 157 in Shape Mesher audit
5. PBI 291954 - 2.11.0053 Build
Visual Lighting 2.11.0052 (February 25, 2021)
1. Bug 287595 - Unable to insert images into schedule in PE
2. Bug 290429 - Existing print page does no show all the information
3. Bug 290268 - Custom table in a template page produces error when adding new row
4. Bug 290694 - Stretch command crashes visual due to coding
5. Bug 290242 - New Renderer error
Visual Lighting 2.11.0051 (February 24, 2021)
1. Bug 285417 - Values on an unilluminated calc zone
2. Bug 284068 - Flipping normal does not automatically update the current orientation or tilt parameters
3. PBI 286095 - CSAT Survey Popup
4. Bug 289079 - Isolate/Deactivate layers not working as it should
5. PBI 290141 - Add MesaGL support
6. Bug 286158 - Values on an Unilluminated calc zone
7. Bug 286678 - Renderer fails
8. Bug 289310 - Rendering file error
9. Bug 289748 - Shapemesh Exit Code 157 error
Visual Lighting 2.11.0050 (December 8, 2020)
1. Bug 282030 - Indirect source discretization error causing asymmetric results
2. Bug 282031 - Visual Illuminance crash in test project
3. PBI 282032 - UGR units conversion refactoring
4. 282028 - Asymmetric calc results
5. 282028 - Calc discrepancies with indirect fixtures
Visual Lighting 2.11.0049 (November 23, 2020)
1. Bug 279107 - Rear walls on project not rendering
2. Bug 278454 - Exit code 157 in Shapemesh
Visual Lighting 2.11.0047 (November 15, 2020)
1. Bug 278228 - Calculation differences between identical rooms
2. Bug 278260 - Calculation Error
3. Bug 273419 - Settings.INI corrupted when set to different locale
Visual Lighting 2.11.0038 (August 26, 2020)
1. PBI 268913 - Add Walter's AMD and SSE VI engines
2. Bug 268584 - Setup Failed - Another Version Installed
3. Bug 235758 - Installer ignores when Desktop short cut is unchecked. Shortcut is added anyway
4. PBI 269135 - Test new Renderer
Visual Lighting 2.11.0035 (August 21, 2020)
1. PBI 265039 - Replace design manager icons with new ones
2. Bug 263729 - Visual icon on the task bar has reverted back to the old style
3. Bug 267986 - AMD & SSE Render3 is crashing on AMD machines
4. Bug 268277 - Search Logic
5. Bug 233782 - Render error message is generated when run audit command is clicked during rendering refining process
6. Bug 267140 - Clicking on an audit item with erase command open crashes the program
7. Bug 233793 - Calculation failed messagebar is generated after clicking cancel button when rendering
Visual Lighting 2.11.0033 (August 6, 2020)
1. Bug 265574 - Audit crash
2. Bug 267570 - CWB_VisualIlluminance crash
3. Bug 267521 - SSE shapemesh crash
4. PBI 267578 - Update 2.11 engine version numbers
Visual Lighting 2.11.0032 (August 5, 2020)
1. PBI 242805 - Surface shading inconsistent with calc zone shading
2. Bug 264602 - Improper use of stretch command corrupts calc zone data
3. PBI 266015 - Update 2 of UV 222 scenerios
4. PBI 265200- Update UV 222 scenerios
5. PBI 266299 - Beta UI option to turn off or turn on renderer
6. PBI 265615 - Updated 2.11 engine detection and UI?
7. PBI 265616 - Render3 beta test changes
8. PBI 266389 - Build 2.11.0032
9. PBI 266388 - Update code signing for new engines
10. Bug 265038 - New Renderer crashes with renderer error message when rendering exterior files
11. PBI 264111 - Wrap Walters VI engine
12. PBI 267406 - Revert Intel folder to Intel 64
Visual Lighting 2.11.0029 (July 22, 2020)
1. PBI 262164 - Recent files in shared location
2. Bug 262792 - Fluence Rate Volume title in Settings form is incorrect
3. PBI 248872 - Display current engine flavor
4. PBI 264343 - Parametric generation of UV222 case study files
5. Bug 263194 - PDF converter displays private server path
6. PBI 263495 - Move license file to shared folder
7. Bug 265688 - Explicitly create ProgramData folders hierachy
8. PBI 265687 - 2.11 Build 2.11.0029
9. PBI 251602 - Turning off templates should not turn off templates in View
Visual Lighting 2.11.0023 (July 23, 2020)
1. Bug 240545 - IES File won't open in Visual?
2. PBI 262166 - Incorporate Renderer v3
3. Bug 263157 - PE crash "Error at LoadDataSet
4. PBI 253679 - Message box should be displayed if no luminaires are present when exporting to Agile (XML)
5. Bug 263560 - LT_Photom creates duplicate azimuthal angles
6. PBI 240714 - Change rendering display elements from triangles to quads
7. Bug 263315 - File consistently failing after recovery
8. Bug 264074 - Sketchup and Revit import does not take into account Display Unit Settings
9. PBI 263728 - 2.11 Build 0023
10. Bug 264270 - PE freezes at 'prepare directory' step
11. Bug 262787 - Fluence rate volume displays 0.0 when uncalculated
12. Bug 257505 - Light leak in rendered room
Visual Lighting 2.11.0017 (June 22, 2020)
1. Bug 253969 - Updating the name on a Window in properties does not update the name of the Window in the design manager
2. Bug 222473 - Background image being saved in PE when it shouldn't
3. Bug 252860 - Daylighting render issue - Triangulation failure results in missing window walls
4. Bug 259894 - Can't export to DWG2000 from PE
5. Bug 262652 - Startup error displays error message 0
6. PBI 262819 - Update IES Illuminance tool with license path
7. PBI 262805 - New 2.11.0017 Build
8. Bug 262517 - VL install issue on dirty machine
9. Bug 262481 - IES Illuminance selector throws a license error in 2.11
10. Bug 259909 - Tilde key does not reset to Home on laptop keyboard
11. PBI 263286 - Product Configurator Update
Visual Lighting 2.11.0014 (June 16, 2020)
1. Bug 218880 - Inserting surfaces are not being populated in the Audit
2. Bug 210712 - UI/UX problems in customize keyboard shortcut tool
3. Bug 259910 - Keyboard shortcut reset mouse plane doesn't work
4. Bug 260340 - Cannot export CAD error message is being generated exporting out of PE
5. Bug 260609 - License check failed using cache license data message during clean install
Visual Lighting 2.11.0012 (June 10, 2020)
1. Bug 253382 - DWG import error
2. PBI 255617 - VL Product Configurator Prototype
3. PBI 252678 - Add UGR calc points in PE
4. Bug 259908 - Offset command takes over extrude command
5. Bug 249866 - PDF/Image importer can get 'lost' behind program
6. PBI 234892 - Encode strings in VCS export file as UTF8
7. PBI 248650 - Update UGR calc with luminaire clipping
8. PBI 254131 - 2_11temp file is being created in Visual Lighting folder
9. Bug 255615 - Multiple room UGR calcs result in 'n/a'
10. Bug 257455 - Wrong calc type assigned to calc line when UVGI is enabled
11. Bug 257255 - 2.11 Port: Calc zones do not default to Irradiance calcs when UVGI is enabled
12. Bug 257258 - Calc line type incorrect and not changeable in Properties
13. Bug 257463 - Enable UVGI calcs is not defaultable
14. Bug 253987 - Tool tip for Zoom Previous icon when inactive is incorrect
15. Bug 255790 - PE scale is off 2.11
16. Bug 259907 - Typing 1" into extrude converts to wrong value
17. Bug 260470 - 2.11 PDF import crashes on clean install
18. PBI 259802 - UGR Export from PE
19. PBI 247292 - Opening dwg/dxf message should not be displayed if AUTOCAD program is not installed on computer
Visual Lighting 2.11.00011 (June 10, 2020)
1. PBI 234913 - Add alpha front-end for existing UGR calcs
2. Bug 247380 - Error messages when opening customize button
3. Bug 251067 - Duplicate reset mouse plane on keyboard shortcut
Visual Lighting 2.11.0009 (May 10, 2020)
1. Bug 220124 - NumPad 0 key does not work for any shortcut commands
2. PBI 249843 - Prototype new color swatches in Layer Manage
3. Bug 253845 - A 3D plus sign symbol is shown in properties instead of the pointer symbol
4. PBI 240662 - Realdwg export support for UGR Phase 1
5. Bug 255026 - Recent projects on Start screen are not being updated when new visual files are opened
6. Bug 255813 - Axis increment changes when opening saved file
7. PBI 259746 - Change blocker culling to accommodate very large calc point count in VisualIlluminance engine
8. PBI 240660 - Refine UGR normal display
9. Bug 249342 - UGR zone view direction resets after changing point spacing
10. Bug 252752 - Layer color overrides luminous volume face highlighting
11. Bug 215431 - Design Manager entities are not colored by status
12. PBI 225317 - Add alpha front-end for existing UGR calcs
13. PBI 252677 - Update UGR calczone default settings